As I sat on a Wednesday afternoon in some hipster cafe in London, I had a really big moment and had to just stop and literally be with myself. To pause, breathe and honestly pinch myself.
This life I am creating is one I literally dreamed of and after taking a few weeks off social media to pause and to reflect, I feel so absolutely grateful and humbled by all my life experiences and to where I am right now in this moment. I’m such a big believer in dreams and I just want anyone that is reading this to know that you are capable of making your dreams come true and if I can be the one to work with you and help direct you on that journey that I am eternally grateful for you. For allowing yourself firstly to take the step and secondly choosing me to walk that path with you. For having the trust and faith in yourself and recognising that within me is truly such a blessing to me.
The fire and passion inside of me is burning with desire for what I do and it provides me with so much joy and fulfilment
seeing and watching beautiful souls emerge onto their own paths of truth, with confidence and passion for who they are and what they want for their life.
When I say anything is possible, I really do mean it and I will never stop saying it.
How did I manage to live in London whilst transitioning jobs, not earning a whole lot of money and not knowing anyone in the area. Well I took the leap and knew I would be supported. You hear all the classic lines come in, ‘Why London, it's so expensive,’ or ‘London can be a very lonely place if you're living on your own.’ Well let me tell you, if that's what I wanted to believe then no doubt it would have been all of those things, but I choose not to believe other people's perceptions and believe and trust in myself. I’m creating a wonderfully beautiful home inside of myself that feels safe, stable and secure and the more I continue to build on that the more I create what I want in the outside world.
I had always dreamt of living in London when I was younger and for a period of time I really shut off from who I was and my dreams for numerous reasons. However, reasons that have now become some of my biggest nuggets of wisdom and knowledge.
So now I have been living that dream physically. It was never going to be super long term living in London (this girl loves being in nature) but I wanted to experience London life and what better time than in the Summer.! A chance to explore, network, wander, meet new people, have new experiences and what an incredible few months it has been.
Life is one beautiful adventure and I truly see it that way, through all the waves and the unknown, I feel so unbelievably grateful to be here observing, witnessing and enjoying all the crazy moments that this life has to offer.
So how did I afford it?
Well it was a Sunday afternoon and I was having one of those “please give me a sign’ moments, I had moved back in with my Dad for some time over lockdown and was feeling the shift to move brewing within me. Previous to this I had been in talks with a lady on a group I had found on facebook about renting out homes etc. however even though the price was sitting at originally £850 (pretty cheap for a one bed flat in Archway, North London!) and then dropped to £750, I was still undecided, after transiting jobs and still in the early stages of earning it was a bit daunting.
So back to this Sunday moment... crying in my room unsure of where to go and what to do and asking for a sign, then my phone lit up. The lady had messaged me and said she really warmed to me and wanted me to have it over the other people that had been in touch and so she offered it to me at £450 all in.
4 fricken 50!!!
For a one bed flat to myself in North London, in a beautiful area, with an added extra rooftop terrace - the only catch was that I had to look after the plants, a place full of plants...I mean!! What an absolute gem of a blessing!
I was overjoyed.
And there it was, I was up and moved and began adjusting and settling into my new London life. My own space. It was the first time in all of my 33 years that I had fully lived on my own and it felt so liberating and freeing. I had a wonderful set up that allowed me to continue to do my work and allow for the next phase to unfold.

This next phase involved continuing to study, working with clients, creating new friendships, exploring so many places, locking myself out a few times and getting to know the neighbours, postman and locksmith pretty well..!
Now this was me in my chaotic energy, still vibrating at times from that flight or flight, survival mode and not being present. An area I was feeling very pulled to work through and slowly over time, my nervous system has started to regulate as I begin to let go and surrender more and more into the process of this next phase.
Now I am one determined woman and I made a point of putting myself out there, joining FB groups, volunteering, speaking to people in the parks, chatting to people in coffee shops, attending events and so fourth and in the short time I have been here I have created some wonderfully beautiful relationships and managed to really network my business and spread the word.
I love how people enter into your life and when it all feels with such ease and coming from a space of kindness, support and with love. I feel truly grateful for every day and the unfolding of this journey and it makes me so emotional sitting here even writing and feeling into all of that. Growing up having lost both Nana’s at a young age and my Mum at 13, it feels so warming to really be creating such loving, supporting energies with other women. To feel supported by others on my emotional level (that can get super deep) and after a very long time of having been told that I was too emotional, I love that now it is one of my biggest strengths and such a powerful, profound space to be in and I can go there and be vulnerable without any judgement from myself or others.

Judgement has come up a lot in this process, the awareness of how I catch myself if I feel I may be going into that energy and asking myself why and changing it and becoming so aware of being around other energies that are judging and gossiping. Just walking around London and being in coffee shops, I have become quite the observer (6/2 on the roof HD) I'm hearing conversations between people commenting on others behaviours or how someone acted, there's a lot of pointing the finger at others (I’ve been there) unwilling to reflect it back and consider to look within themselves as to all the why’s. I have hope for this changing. I have hope that more and more people begin to recognise the parts they play and take responsibility for themselves. I hope that we all choose to become better for ourselves, for our relationships, for others and for our planet. And on the flip side of this I hear and recognise that is happening and its amazing how more and more people are wanting to step up.
I attended a course at Regents university, which involved learning about healing and understanding trauma and ptsd, these have played a role in my life as both a child, teenager and adult and I wanted to be more trauma informed for myself and my clients, It was an intense course and afterwards I spent a few days at the Spiritual Healing Retreat in the Cotswolds to ground and rest. During my time there I met some incredibly wise souls. I was the youngest by far and I love meeting people from all walks of life and learning about different things. Agriculture and permaculture came up a lot and had some really interesting conversations around that and I felt like I learnt so much and it opened me up to a lot.
Everyone has so much to teach us. We are forever the student.
So as I always say I am a big believer in magic and things are shifting and unfolding at a fast pace, I have recently begun doing free workshops alongside Zoe Reast who works within Gut Health and after doing my 21 day gut cleanse I am for sure vibrating at a higher frequency. I am creating the life I want, I have much more clarity, feel like I have the energy of a 20 year old and full of vitality.
We will be continuing to host webinars so keep your eyes peeled on my events page on the website or sign your email up to be notified when the next one is.
And so, after a few insightful months of growth and adventure spent in London, there has been a very prominent place that has kept popping up and I keep getting signs for. Being in and amongst nature is calling to me and the next unfolding of my story is well and truly underway…
So much love to you all