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It’s officially time for me to come out of my cocoon, my god it has been intense and uncomfortable in there at times! On so many occasions I thought I was ready to come out but it just didn't feel right, if i tried to force it, it just wouldn’t happen. We all have our own timelines and I just knew I had to trust that inner feeling, no matter how many exterior energies may have wanted to push me and no doubt played on my mind, deep down I just knew I would know. There is a divine plan at play and I have had to put so much trust into that.

So on the flip side of that, it can also get too comfortable in that cocoon and that’s where I’m now at.

I’m done being comfortable.

How else can I describe it? You know when you just know? That’s honestly the feeling. You have this feeling that’s then pushing you, there is no space left in there to grow, you’ve outgrown what once was, what work needed to be done in there has been done and now I’m just sitting here with these beautiful new wings and I know that I just need to step out, leap and it’s my time to fly!

Patience, perseverance and the art of surrendering and letting go have become huge, powerful and very profound practices throughout my healing journey.

Slowly releasing the grip, time and time again - to the point where you’re literally just hanging on by a thread and you just know it's time to fully let go. But with letting go now, I just have so much faith and trust that I’m not going to fall and instead I'm going to fly. It’s an incredible feeling and one I hope you get to experience on your journey too. Don’t get me wrong, I have fallen sooooo many times and no doubt will again, that’s all part of it. Falling is powerful too. Just think back to childhood, you fall, you get back up again and try again. You do it again the same way and the same thing may happen again. You try a different road, format, a way of doing it and you will have a slightly different outcome. The more you do this, the more opportunities rise, the more things you learn, you create, you grow. Falling is a huge part of growth and learning. It’s all about perspective and how you choose to see it.

If you choose to see falling as the worst feeling in the world, no doubt if and when it happens, you're going to experience that exact feeling, because you've created it to be exactly that. The power you have and your potential is huge, how you perceive things plays a huge role in your life and your world.

So I will of course continue to fall in areas too, yet I see falling as a chance to learn. With flying my wings right now, I don’t know what that's going to look like, I've never been here before, it's the complete unknown, but I just have a really good feeling about it and I’m trusting that feeling.

If someone had told me it would take me over a year of deep intense work and a lot of time in solitude before I even started to officially open up my bookings I wouldn’t have believed them.

What an incredible adventure it has been! A journey within.

I feel like I’m just starting out. I feel like it’s a brand new year, like my first day of school. Stepping onto the path that is so aligned for me, all my twists and turns have got me to this point. I feel fresh, renewed, energised and so full of love!

Photography - Mikaela Rackham

You know what's crazy, actually it’s not even crazy anymore because so much happens everyday now, the signs are everywhere and I see so much, that crazy is becoming very much the norm for me. I will forever be grateful and blessed by the magic that appears.

So here’s my not so crazy story. For me when lockdown hit and I decided to close the business it was as if my world stood still. I always used to wish for more time, I remember a programme I watched when I was a child, called Bernard's watch, not sure if anyone can relate, but long story short, he had a watch that froze time, it enabled him to be able to get all the things done that he could just never seem to catch up on or do whilst the world around him paused. I remember always wishing for that, constantly just saying like I felt like I needed space, time etc. and would love to have Bernard's watch.

There's a lot to be said for that saying 'Be careful what you wish for.'

Now let’s look at the collective, as many of you know, I had my own beauty business, and so many things really stood out for me in my time as a therapist. The constant talk of needing time, space, to get things done. Always playing catch up. always rushing, never stopping, never resting. I am able to see very clearly where healing is needed and I saw how much of that was so profound in so many of my clients/friends/strangers and in myself, on a day to day basis. I knew so deeply that I wanted to help them and myself, I knew that’s what I was drawn to doing and no doubt was subconsciously doing for a long time. I knew I had a gift but I had no idea how that would be able to come out or even look whilst running a beauty business working all hours under the sun to survive.

Lockdown hit, I knew straight away I wanted to close the business. I felt this was my time, this is what I had asked for and I knew I had to take action. Once that energy becomes so profound, eventually something will happen. The collective energy was tugging so heavy. Mother Earth needed to rest, to heal, to calm and to reset. As did we all. Things could not continue how they once were and so it began.

The world around me froze. Fast forward over a year later and I am at a space where I am ready to begin. A whole new life in a brand new world and it feels incredible. I have spent that time in my cocoon in deep learning, my own journey of reconnecting to self, healing and transformation.

How did that look? My own self healing treatment and therapies, deep research, studying, coaching, attending courses and training.

A brief summary of numerous things I have got involved with during this time...

Working through inner child trauma, health, nutrition, CBT essentials course, NLP ongoing training (completing in July), life coaching course, Inner leadership academy training, Astrology and herbalism mini course. Womb sciences course, I've worked with a shamanic, trauma healer for months, had deep spiritual practices, mediation practices, sexual trauma healing, Ancestral healing, akashic records and soul realignment, ongoing human design teachings, reiki treatments as well as training in reiki 1 and 2, subconscious mind bootcamp training. Learning to work with the moon cycles and natural cycles, somatic bodywork and acupuncture treatments. Ayurveda and doshas, kundalini yoga and tantric. I’ve read a ton of books, spent time learning a lot of knowledge through some incredible souls that have come into my life during this time, got involved with volunteering and numerous other things along the way. A lot of magic, working with spirit, a lot of incredible dreams, of dark nights of the soul, whilst also coaching clients and learning through them.

You could say I’ve dipped my toes into a few things!

All in all it's been one hell of a year. The extensive knowledge and wisdom I have created feels so empowering and I can’t wait to share it all with you and help and guide you on your own journey. I am grateful for every single day and moment, no matter how that has looked, it has all brought me here and this fills me with so much joy and fulfillment.!

As from the 1st June I will be officially taking bookings. The first port of call will be a free discovery call, a chance for us to connect and see where you are at in life mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Where you'd like to be and how I can support you in getting there.

Bespoke Journey supports and empowers you in finding freedom of your spirit, opening you up to transparent intimacy, guiding you to reconnect, heal and transform.

I want to speak the truth, to heal and guide you, I seek to bring harmony, peace and flow into your heart space, into your soul and it doesn’t matter what you believe. I know when you are in alignment with yourself it brings peace to your inner world and the world around you.

If you feel stuck in a cycle, unable to truly understand yourself then my Bespoke Journey will provide you with the tools to break the cycle, create change and transform your life.

If this feels right for you then please get in touch.

Much love to you all xxx


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