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Taking a step back

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

It's amazing what you discover once you just stop.

Recently I uploaded some stories on Instagram about my day at the beach. It portrayed numerous pictures of what looked like a beautiful day, beach shots, sunsets etc. But when I sat back and watched it I couldn't help but feel the need to show the actual story behind the picture. A picture tells a thousand words as they say. It was still a beautiful day spending time being in nature is what I love and I’m so lucky and grateful that I am able to go and have a day like that, however the pictures made it ‘look’ like the perfect day, which we all know is never the case. For instance a beautiful shot I had of the sunset was actually taken from the car window whilst my friend had pulled over to let a car go past. Not quite the idyllic setting the picture made it look like. 

All in all the stories behind the pictures couldn't have been more first world problems with day to day life obstacles, but that's exactly my point and I feel I just need to voice this. No matter what life you are living, we all face challenges everyday that no one knows anything about. Just because ‘bob’ looks like he has the best life and looks like he is always doing nice things etc. you have no idea what Bob may have gone through or even is still going through to get to where he is right now. And just just like you and me, Bob will be facing day to day life challenges that we know nothing about. Also the keyword right there was…’looks” It's all still very much about how something looks and the media are completely to blame for this. We must stop listening to the media and letting them rule and control so much of our minds on how we ‘should be’. 

Yes a lot of us are guilty of posting our ‘best bits’ but I can't help but feel the need to be more truthful. Truthful about what actually goes on. The stuff we all keep hidden. Especially if we are using this platform as a place to share. I don’t know about you, but I’m fed up with the ‘fake’ I can put my hands up and say I only post pictures of the good times. Things I love like travel, nature, friends, family etc. For me my personal grid is more of an online memory box. But yes I am fully aware of always posting the good stuff. 

Having gone through lockdown experiencing a complete spiritual awakening, I set up @bespoke_journey. I plan to use this space as a place of realness and truth. I’m so aware that even when posting pictures there is so much more behind the picture that goes on and I can't help but feel it is providing such stress for the younger generation looking up to us. For me lockdown has been a blessing, enabling myself to have time to completely sit back and work on me, to truly face every part of me and which has brought me to where I am today. I have very much been on a journey of soul discovery, working on self love, healing, yoga, meditation working through my shadows and practicing subconscious mind training which has led me to finding out what my soul life purpose is. I hope to be able to now provide information to teach, inspire and guide you on your own Bespoke Journey. To help you become the best version of yourself.

I believe we as a collective need to stop showcasing this false presentation of life. I feel the media have ruled us for long enough, feeding us with so much unnecessary content putting fear into peoples minds and causing mental health to an all time high and it needs to change. On the flip side what social media has allowed, is the chance for true genuine people to be putting out healthy and real content that is actually going to help others. Let’s share more of the truth, the unedited, the real life and what is actually going on behind the scenes. Let's use it as a place to share more facts, to learn, to grow and evolve into better versions of ourselves. Lets get rid of that ego that so many of us love to display, which we all know is just a mask we hide behind and want people to believe is who we are. Lets strip it all back and be more true to ourselves and everyone else. We must start living a life of truth. 

So starting with social media as it seems to be a hot topic. You get to choose what it is that you see. Try and see it as your daily newspaper, what would you like to see and read everyday? What will educate you? What are you interested in learning? You’ll soon realise that you are not just endlessly scrolling and you're actually using the time wisely to learn. Pay attention to how you feel after you read or see certain posts and try and be more aware of what effect it may be having on you. We are currently teaching and inspiring our youth that see this platform everyday as their guidance. What do you want your children to see? We can’t keep showing them this ‘perfect’ life that we all know is far from it. 

Do you ever wonder why there is so much anxiety in children?


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